Official Movement Orders

Tetcott Archive Primary Sources (Diaries, letters etc)

Admiralty War Diaries

Other Sources

< 1941    1943 > 

N.B. This chronology is a working document, being added to and amended constantly as and when new information comes to light 


5th  ‘From F.O.i/c Glasgow: - Completes 10/1’ 

6th  ‘From F.O.i/c Glasgow: - Temporary repairs to ‘T’ will be now completed 8/1/42’

8th  ‘Request ‘T’ be sailed for Southampton for permanent repairs by Messr’s Harland and Wolff as soon as temporary repairs have been completed – about 10/1/42’


12th   PORTSMOUTH (Departure 12/3)

19th  ‘Taken in hand SOUTHAMPTON 13/1 for collision damage repairs; completes in about 8 weeks’


 11th January–10th March   Refitting at Messrs Harland & Woolfe, Southampton

MARCH 1942

1st  Visit and parade at the village of Tetcott, attended by Lt Cmdr Rycroft, one other officer with eight ratings from HMS TETCOTT, as well as members of the local Home Guard.  A white ensign – presented to the church by the C.O. - was laid upon the altar and blessed at the beginning of the service

4th  Moved to 37 Berth

7th  ‘From C-in-C Portsmouth: - Intend to sail ‘T’ for Scapa 12/3 for working up practices’

12th  Slipping Berth for SCAPA FLOW – Action Stations at night


14th   SCAPA (Departure?)

15th–29th Working up at SCAPA

16th  Trials and Shoot

23rd  Patrolled 30 miles off Norwegian Coast - Acting as rescue ship for a Bomber Command operation

25th  Norwegian Coast patrol for bombers - Acting as rescue ship for a Bomber Command operation

27th  LIVERPOOL (Departure ?)

30th  Night-Time Norwegian patrol – heavy seas - Acting as rescue ship for a Bomber Command operation 

31st  Back to Harbour, SCAPA

 APRIL 1942

1st-7th  At SCAPA

1st  Night-Time Norwegian patrol – heavy seas.  Anchored in SHETLANDS - Acting as rescue ship for a Bomber Command operation.  Operation postponed and Tetcott proceeded to SOLLOM VOE arriving at 20:50

2nd  Night-Time Norwegian patrol – heavy seas - Acting as rescue ship with WILTON and MATCHLESS for a Bomber Command operation.  Operation postponed, returned to SCAPA the following morning

3rd  Landed back SCAPA, tied up to buoy


6th  ‘From R.A.D: - On completion of practices tomorrow, proceed to Clyde for Boiler Cleaning’

7th  Left SCAPA

8th  CLYDE (Departure ?)

8th–9th  SCAPA to GREENOCK.

10th–15th Boiler cleaning at GREENOCK

15th  Joined Dutch destroyer VAN GALEN, HM Cruisers FROBISHER and GAMBIA in the Clyde assembly point for Ocean Escort of WS18 during passage to Freetown

15th  Left UK with Convoy WS-18

17th  Submarine alert

20th  Arrived Azores Island (PONTA DELGADA) 16:00 Oil up and stores, also water.

21st–29th  AZORES to FREETOWN, Fuelled at sea from HMS GAMBIA

21st   Lost Convoy - made wide sweep and search with HMS VAN GALAN

23rd   Rejoined convoy

24th   Oiled up from HMS GAMBIA

25th   Submarine scare 

29th   FREETOWN (Departure 3/5) - Convoy WS18 - 20 ships - escorted by GAMBIA, FROBISHER, WILD SWAN, BOREAS, TETCOTT, VAN GALEN, and PETUNIA arrived at Freetown29th   Ammunition off store ships

30th–2nd May  At FREETOWN

 MAY 1942

1st  "RRR" (attack by surface raider) received from PATRICIA SKAKEL at 06:57 at 0630N, 19-28W. GAMBIA, FROBISHER, ALBATROSS, VAN GALEN, and TETCOTT (all at Freetown) ordered to immediate notice for steam, and a Sunderland aircraft sent out to search. At 08:50 PATRICIA SKAKEL amplified her report by saying the ship referred to was of the Scandinavian tanker type. This ship was believed to be FAGERSFEL. PATRICIA SKAKEL subsequently cancelled her "RRR" message

3rd  Convoy WS18 (19 ships) sailed, escorted by GAMBIA, FROBISHER, ALBATROSS, WIVERN, VAN GALEN, TETCOTT, and BOREAS

3rd–15th  FREETOWN to SIMONSTOWN. Fuelled at sea from HMS FROBISHER

3rd  Left the convoy off SOUTH AFRICA and went to the Naval Base at SIMONSTOWN for what was planned to be a five-day boiler clean.

6th  Action Stations.  Merchantman intercepted, and on investigations proved to be British Tanker

10th  Accomplished oil feat again with HMS FROBISHER

12th  Still leading convoy

13th  Off ST. HELENA, south Atlantic

14th  Getting cooler.  Now past Equator line, passing drifting mines, sharp lookout

15th   SIMONSTOWN (Departure 17/5) - HMS HECLA hits mine on ARGULHAS BANK, 100 injured, 32 killed – first mishap to convoy.

15th  With three quarters of the ship’s company on their first shore leave out of UK, we were ordered to raise steam and proceed to sea.  Two merchant ships in our convoy had been sunk and the depot ship HECLA damaged as they crossed the Agulhas Bank.  Libertymen were rounded up with some difficulty and not all were entirely sober when we sailed

16th  Landed SIMONSTOWN, 50 miles from Cape!  Rushes over mine fields finding enemy surface raiders – no luck!

16th–17th Spent 2 days searching for submarine, which had torpedoed HECLA


17th  Tetcott ordered to DURBAN to fuel and, we hoped, for the overdue boiler clean, but the Mediterranean was desperately short of destroyers and we had to press north, calling for one day each at MOMBASSA in Kenya and ADEN

19th  Arrived DURBAN – Oiled, watered and left immediately, pushing onto Mombassa

19th–24th DURBAN to MOMBASSA

23rd  Practise shoot and depth charges fired. Intercepted Merchant ship

24th  Arrived MOMBASSA, Kenya

25th  Left MOMBASSA for ADEN.  Rain and terrible tropical storms and lightning

26th  Still raining, very rough, visibility poor

28th  ARABIA – landed ADEN

28th   ADEN (Departure 29/5)

29th–1st June ADEN to PORT SUEZ

29th  Left ADEN forenoon, continuing journey through Red Sea

 JUNE 1942

1st  Arrived PORT SUEZ.  Prior to arriving medical help called for from British Tanker (M.V. OZARDA), boarded her by launch, Chief Engineer died of stroke - (David Chalmers Welsh aged 47, Chief Engineer, of Prestwick Scotland - Buried Maala Cemetery)

2nd Transited SUEZ CANAL to PORT SAID - everyone cools off by a swim over the side

? PORT SAID (Departure 3/6)


4th  Joined 5th Destroyer Flotilla

5th  ALEXANDRIA (Departure 8/6) - Proceed to sea, practice shoot and speed runs - WOLBOROUGH was holed by a U boat torpedo which did not explode at 13:55 on the 8th while escorting ATHENE from Port Said to Alexandria. TETCOTT was sent to her assistance, and escorted her to Alexandria

5th–9th  ALEXANDRIA to TOBRUK – Still no boiler clean.  Tetcott was needed to escort three tankers to TOBRUK; on the way we lost two of them torpedoed by a U-Boat. - Convoy AT49 of five store ships including R.F.A. BRAMBLELEAF and the petrol carrier ATHENE was sailed from Alexandria escorted by GROVE, TETCOTT, PEONY, HYACINTH, and KLO. GROVE was operating on one shaft only and both destroyers were new to the station. No other escort was available however, on account of the forthcoming operation

12th  ALEXANDRIA (Departure 16/6) - On our way back to ALEXANDRIA our consort GROVE was torpedoed and, sadly, we were able to pick up only a few survivors - 2 die aboard ship - The two remaining ships of Convoy AT49 arrived at Tobruk during the night of 11th/12th. TETCOTT and GROVE turned back direct to Alexandria. At 02:05/12th, GROVE grounded off Ras Azzaz. She was refloated at once but was reduced to 8 knots. At 06:55/12th in position 032-05N, 025-30E, GROVE was torpedoed by a U boat and sank at 07:10. The U boat was not detected. The Commanding Officer and eighty of the crew were picked up by TETCOTT who proceeded to Alexandria and arrived there pm

13th  Left ALEXANDRIA for MALTA, we sink a sub on our way, making the score even for our sister ship

12th-16th  Malta Convoys 'Harpoon' from Gibraltar, 'Vigorous' from Alexandria

13th-14th  ALEXANDRIA to TOBRUK - Operation VIGOROUS - Next a convoy to MALTA, but on the second day we were detached to escort a Norwegian merchant ship (AAGTEKERK) back to harbour with engine trouble.  We were soon sighted by Stuka Dive-Bombers who hit and sank her.  With our good Anti-Aircraft armament we thought we shot down two or three of the attackers - Rear Admiral Commanding, Fifteenth Cruiser Squadron's forces and EXMOOR and CROOME from Tobruk joined COVENTRY and the convoy M.W. 11 at daylight. S.S. AAGTEKERK was unable to make the speed and was detached to Tobruk with TETCOTT and PRIMULA

14th  On our way to MALTA last night flares were dropped by enemy bombers and bombs were dropped around us in the dark.  Lucky escape.  No ships lost. Left convoy and took ships to TOBRUK.  Attack in the evening by 45 STUKAS, we brought two down, and one for the merchantman who was sunk later on by bombs.  We had near misses by six

14th  ‘Following has been read – Enemy A/C bombing 055 deg ACI D7, At TOBRUK 14/6 (arrived & left 14/6) .’

15th  Left TOBRUK with troop ship (CITY OF CALCUTTA) for ALEX, later left ALEX again for TOBRUK.  Sank Submarine

16th  Under heavy air attack assisting defence of ships returning to Alexandria after failure of passage of Malta relief convoy

17th  Picked convoy up this morning - Convoy TA49/M (Tobruk-Alexandria), including all the cargo ships at Tobruk and TONELINE, was sailed during the night 16th/17th, escorted by ANTWERP, MALINES, PEONY, ERICA, and GLOXINIA. TETCOTT joined the escort from Alexandria. Some 1500 Army labour corps and docks group and all unnecessary naval personnel were embarked in the merchant ships

17th–19th ALEXANDRIA to RAS AZZAZ & return to ALEXANDRIA

18th  This morning sub detected.  We probably sank it by depth charges – oil was visible on the surface - TETCOTT and MALINES (with convoy TA49) attacked a U boat during the night 18th/19th without apparent success

19th  Night-time submarine prowling around on surface.  Try to catch them by firing star shells but were unlucky.  Arrived next morning at ALEX


20th–25th Boiler cleaning at ALEXANDRIA.

25th Left ALEXANDRIA for EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA - PRINCESS MARGUERITE escorted by EXMOOR and TETCOTT embarked about 900 R.A.F. personnel for Cyprus and returned with reliefs to Alexandria

26th Proceeding to FAMAGUSTA, CYPRUS – 50 miles from TURKEY, took 4,000 ANZAC Troops

27th Arrived in CYPRUS on way to PALESTINE



29th Escorting HMS MEDWAY ALEXANDRIA to PORT SAID – Picked up HMS MEDWAY for transport to HAIFA. MEDWAY torpedoed at 09:15.  Many survivors picked up, plus two WRENS - MEDWAY and CORINTHIA, escorted by DIDO, SIKH, ZULU, and HERO sailed for Haifa; they were later joined by EXMOOR, ALDENHAM, CROOME, and TETCOTT from Port Said

30th–2nd July Turned back to ALEX for convoy.  Left with convoy (Convoy AP003) for PORT SAID, arrived and then proceeded to HAIFA

 JULY 1942

1st–2nd  ALEXANDRIA to HAIFA. Evacuation of ALEXANDRIA

2nd  Arrived HAIFA 19:00


3rd–7th  A/S patrols off HAIFA 

5th  Left on U-Boat Hunt – weather very mild

6th  Returned from German U-Boat hunt with no success The Norwegian S.S. HERO was torpedoed and sunk by U boat at 0600 in position 32-23N, 34-35E KONDOURITIS and LA MOQUESE and later, CROOME and TETCOTT carried out an A/S search for U boat, but did not achieve success

7th  Left HAIFA with convoy for BEIRUT.  Left for submarine hunt

8th  Arrived back HAIFA and then left to bring back empty convoy

9th  At last our first mail arrives

12th  Left HAIFA to pick up U-Boat but failed

13th  Arrived in BEIRUT, left again to pick up convoy

14th  HAIFA (Departure ?)

15th–16th  At HAIFA - Deployed for convoy escort and patrol off Palestine and Syria during military operations against Vichy French in Syria

17th–18th  HAIFA to FAMAGUSTA and return with troop convoy.  Arrived back at HAIFA.  Captain got report Merchant Ship sunk by U-Boat last night. Went out for search – no luck – returned

19th Aug  At HAIFA and at sea off HAIFA on A/S patrols. Searched vicinity again.  Water disturbances indicating U-Boat were present – no luck.  Returned

20th FAMAGUSTA (Departure 20/7)

23rd Arrived PORT SAID, left again for HAIFA


4th  Sank U372 off HAIFA - Tetcott was in HAIFA at one hour’s notice and I was ashore chasing up some stores.  I telephoned the ship after about 50 minutes to make sure there had been no recall but, walking back after another half and hour I saw the ship and two others leaving harbour at high speed; the Engineers had raised steam in ten minutes when a periscope was sighted off the harbour entrance.  I watched the action from the roof of the Port Office and saw the sinking of U-372, the U-Boat which had torpedoed MEDWAY.  Tetcott returned to harbour with survivors on their way to a POW Camp. - The complete crew and one Lebanese civilian (believed to be an agent working for the Germans) were taken prisoner. It was subsequently learned that she was on a special mission to sabotage oil installations, quite probably at Haifa. The Naval Officers in Charge Levant area were warned of this possibility and to review their present anti sabotage arrangements

6th  Left HAIFA for PORT SAID escorting HMS ARETHUSA 

10th  HMS ISLAY sank an Italian U Boat probably the SCIRCE at the end of the Haifa swept channel by depth charges and gunfire. CROOME and TETCOTT attacked the position of the U boat some hours afterwards till the loss was definitely established

11th  S.S. AJAX escorted by the Rear Admiral Commanding, Fifteenth Cruiser Squadron in CLEOPATRA, DIDO, SIKH, ZULU, JAVELIN, TETCOTT, and CROOME were sailed from Haifa at 0500 to rendezvous with the remainder of the ‘PEDESTAL’ convoy from Port Said. After dark the force turned back.  AJAX escorted by CROOME and TETCOTT was later detached to Haifa

12th  Berthed in PORT SAID in the morning

12th  HAIFA (Departure?)

13th  Rear Admiral Commanding, Fifteenth Cruiser Squadron, in CLEOPATRA with ARETHUSA, SIKH and ZULU, and CROOME and TETCOTT, arrived at Haifa at 19:00

14th  Returned by coast route to ALEX



16th  Henry Richard Rycroft recieved promotion to Lt Commander

17th  Left PORT SAID with PRINCESS MARGUERITE troopship.  Was torpedoed by sub – two tin fish missed our stern

18th  Arrived HAIFA 19:00.  PRINCESS KATHLEEN, who had replaced PRINCESS MARGUERITE, was sailed from Port Said for Haifa, escorted by ANTWERP, HERO, BEAUFORT, and TETCOTT.  On way back 6 torpedoes were fired either side of our ship – Lucky Escape!

19th   Left for BEIRUT

20th–23rd  At BEIRUT

22nd  At 06:10 an aircraft claimed three hits on a U boat 040 degrees Port Said 80 miles. COVENTRY on passage detached EXMOOR who was later joined by BEAUFORT and TETCOTT on her arrival off the searched channel. There was no result and the hunt was abandoned at nightfall

23rd  Sweep all night, arrived BEIRUT, SYRIA

24th  Left BEIRUT 17:30 - BEAUFORT and TETCOTT escorted CITY OF LINCOLN from Beirut to Port Said 

25th  Arrived PORT SAID.  Left for submarine sweep – DROPPED CHARGES

26th–3rd September  Boiler cleaning at HAIFA


3rd  Went to sea for short time - At 20:00 on 2nd September, Rear Admiral Commanding, Fifteenth Cruiser Squadron in CLEOPATRA with DIDO, ARETHUSA, JERVIS, KELVIN, JAVELIN, AND PAKENHAM sailed from Port Said to carry out a night bombardment exercise with EURYALUS, DULVERTON, EXMOOR, HERO, and TETCOTT who had sailed from Haifa at the same time

4th–5th  HAIFA to PORT SAID and A/S Patrol

4th  Out to sea again – destination secret

5th  Arrived SUEZ CANAL – steamed on.  Fired by mistake on Liberator bombers

6th-8th  Tetcott and HMS HERO were sent east of SUEZ as Italian Submarines were operating in the Indian Ocean

7th  Proceeding through Red Sea

9th  ARABIA.  Arrived ADEN - Transferred to Aden with HM Destroyer HERO for convoy defence in Red Sea

10th–16th  Escorting convey ADEN to CAPE GUARDAFUI and return to ADEN

10th  Left with convoy of Polish soldiers for PERSIAN GULF – first destroyers since last War

11th  Suspected Japanese submarine in vicinity

13th  Sudden Action Stations!  Explosion a quarter of a mile off.  Investigated.  Air bubbles on water – suspected sub

14th  Left convoy early this morning - Convoy WS21A. On 10.9 the convoy divided with AORANGI, BANTAM, JAMES LYKES, LOOKOUT, SAMARIA and SILVERWALNUT proceeding to Aden there to disperse as independents, escort being provided by RANPURA and PETARD, with the destroyers HERO and TETCOTT joining on 15.9. Dispersal took place off Aden on 16.9

17th  Landed at ADEN 13:30. 

18th  At ADEN

19th–22nd  Escorting convoy ADEN to CAPE GUARDAFUI.  Then independently to investigate HAFUN NORTH and SOUTH anchorages, to assist M/V in DAMO.  Then to BERBERA

20th  Ran into heavy tropical storms.  Rough seas, visibility poor

22nd  Left convoy and visited islands HORDIO and DANT for suspected Japanese Submarine Base


24th  Returned ADEN.  Ashore, played football, lost 1-0 against corvette TULIP!

25th  At ADEN

26th–17th Oct  Working out of ADEN.  Investigated KURIA MURIA Islands.  Bombardment of Islands KORIA and MURIA.  Suspected enemy wireless base for submarines (Original date given as 29th Sept)

29th Left ADEN with convoy - Convoy AP3 escorted by RANPURA, TULIP and TETCOTT (from 29/9 to 3/10).  Departed Aden 29th September arrived Bandar Abbas 6 October.  Ten MV's - ATHELVICTOR (Br), ATHLONE CASTLE (Br), BRITANNIA (Nor), BRITISH FIDELITY (Br), CAP ST JAQUES (Fr), CILICIA (Armed Mercnat Cruiser Escort), ELISE (Gk), ERINPURA (Br), KAROA (Br) and NORFOLD (Nor)


14th  Escort to elements of Convoy WS22A - The convoy divided on 11.10 with RANCHI taking onward the Aden portion arriving at that port 16.10.42 being met by BEAUFORT and TETCOTT on 14.10 as additional escorts18th  At ADEN

19th–23rd  ADEN to KHOR KUWAI

19th  Proceeded with ARUNDA to sea 16:00

20th  PO John Langford award of DSM gazetted and Lt Commander Henry Richard Rycroft and Sub Lieutenant Blackie Mentioned in Despatches, all three in connection with the sinking of U-372

23rd  Arrived PERSIA, 1,500 miles CAPE KHOR KUWAI 

24th–26th   KHOR KUWAI to ADEN

24th  Left 22:00 top speed.  Merchantman sunk by Japanese Sub off ARABIAN COAST

26th  Picked up survivors from OCEAN VINTAGE (torpedoed by Japanese submarine I-72 on 22 October) 

27th  ADEN (Departure 27/10)

27th–28th  ADEN to MASSAWA for docking

28th  Arrived MASSAWA, ERITREA, North Abyssinia, dry dock

28th  MOMBASSA (Departure 29/10)

29th  Left ERITREA 16:00

29th–31st  MASSAWA to SUEZ.  Escorting AQUITANIA - had departed Boston in August carrying US soldiers and airmen to Egypt

30th Picked up AQUITANIA full of troops from England

31st  Arrived PORT SUEZ


1st–7th Boiler cleaning at SUEZ

8th Transited SUEZ Canal

8th PORT SAID (Departure 15/11)


10th  Full calibre shoot.  Shot target from plane's tail

15th  ALEXENDRIA (Departure 17/11)

15th  PORT SAID to ALEXANDRIA with 15th C.S. - Operation 'SNEEZE' -precautionary operations against 'Force X' (French Fleet) in Alexandria harbour in event of that force becoming hostile after the landings in North Africa


17th–19th  Escorting convoy ALEXANDRIA to MALTA – Operation 'STONEAGE'

17th  Joined Convoy MW13 with HM Destroyers ALDENHAM, BEAUFORT, BELVOIR, CROOME, EXMOOR, DULVERTON, HURSLEY, HURWORTH and Greek HUNT Class destroyer PINDOS as Close Escort for passage to Malta in place of HM Destroyers JAVELIN, JERVIS, KELVIN, PAKENHAM, PETARD and PALADIN which returned to Alexandria

18th  Fleet units joined to provide Distant Cover. Under air attacks of Derna during which HM Cruiser ARETHUSA was torpedoed and had to return to Alexandria under tow by HMS PETARD

19th  Detached on arrival of MW13 in Malta. Return passage to Alexandria with destroyers of Close Escort

20th–1st December  At Malta


2nd  MALTA to BENGHAZI, CROOME in company - as escort to the tanker YORBA LINDA

3rd  Operation 'PORTCULLIS' - The tanker YORBA LINDA, escorted by CROOME and TETCOTT joined up the convoy at 17:00 northeast of Benghazi. Force K, CLEOPATRA, DIDO, EURYALUS, JERVIS, KELVIN, and NUBIAN were sailed at Malta at 1900 with the intention of covering the convoy from surface attack during the night of 3rd/4th December

6th  At MALTA - Detached with other escorts on arrival of MW14 in Malta. Passage to join 22nd Destroyer Flotilla based at Algiers for convoy defence and support duties in central Mediterranean

7th–11th  MALTA to PORT SAID with empty convoy - Operation 'M.H.TWO' the return of empy mechant ships from Malta in Convoy ME11 (The convoy consisted of MELBOURNE STAR, BRISBANE STAR, ROCHESTER CASTLE, PORT CHALMERS (arrivals at Malta in August from the PEDESTAL convoy run from Gibraltar), BANTAM (Dutch), MORMACMOON (U.S.), ROBIN LOCKSLEY (U.S.), DENBIGHSHIRE and the Panamanian tanker YORBALINDA (arrivals from the STONEAGE convoy on 20th November from Port Said). The convoy was sailed at 10:00 escorted by ORION (Senior Officer), PAKENHAM, DULVERTON, TETCOTT, BELVOIR, EXMOOR, HURSLEY, ALDENHAM, CROOME, PETARD, QUEEN OLGA, and PINDOS. From 17:55 to 18:25, the force was unsuccessfully attacked by torpedo bombers)

11th PORT SAID (Departure 12/12)


14th–17th  At ALEXANDRIA

18th–21st  ALEXANDRIA to MALTA with convoy - Convoy MW17 consisting of PORT TADOUSSAC and OCEAN VOYAGER (both for Malta) and ANTWERP and PRINCESS KATHLEEN with military labour corps personnel for Benghazi were sailed from Alexandria at 1700; PAKENHAM, DULVERTON, BEAUFORT, TETCOTT, and PINDOS provided escort

21st  MALTA (Departure ?)

22nd–28th  At MALTA

29th–2nd  January Malta to Port SAID with empty convoy - CONVOY ME14 consisting of CLAN MACINDOE (British), OZARDA (British), AMERICAN PACKER (U.S.) and the Dutch tanker ERINNA was sailed from Malta at 2250 escorted by EURYALUS, DULVERTON, PINDOS, TETCOTT, and BEAUFORT

 < 1941    1943 >